  _   _  ____  _    _  ___              _____ _ _       
 | \ | |/ __ \| |  | |/ _ \            / ____(_) |      
 |  \| | |  | | |__| | (_) |  ______  | (___  _| |_ ___ 
 | . ` | |  | |  __  |> _ <  |______|  \___ \| | __/ _ \
 | |\  | |__| | |  | | (_) |           ____) | | ||  __/
 |_| \_|\____/|_|  |_|\___/           |_____/|_|\__\___|


This is a auto redirector for internet archive. the server keeps no logs, the site has zero cookies.
The purpose of this site is simple, 
	- Make redirecting to internet archive sites easier.
	- Make going to webistes effected by trump easier. 
	- Auto detecting trumped sites, and using a 2025-01-19 timestamp..

This site is a Proof Of Concept ( PoC ) so it might have bugs...
Built for TACC.